作者:申博泵业 时间:2015-9-14 14:25:28
Analysis of the factors influencing the efficiency of centrifugal pump package, and measures taken in order to improve pump technical ability and reduce Energy consumption. I: What are the factors that can influence the efficiency of centrifugal pump package Efficiency of centrifugal pumps is the combination of the technical ability of machinery, .....
查看更多...作者:申博泵业 时间:2015-8-13 16:35:21
OEM spare parts for rock crushers and screens Crafted to the same strict specifications and exacting standards as our equipment, Metso replacement parts provide reliable performance for years to come. Whatever your equipment, we have the right OEM certified spares for your rock-crushing needs. Whatever your crusher, we have th .....
查看更多...作者:申博泵业 时间:2010-4-3 17:17:47
渣浆泵从物理学原理上讲属于离心泵的一种,从概念上讲指通过借助离心力(泵的叶轮的旋转)的作用使固、液混合介质能量增加的一种机械,将电能转换成介质的动能和势能的设备。渣浆泵的名称是从输送介质的角度来划分的一种离心泵。 小型渣浆泵经过不断改良的渣浆泵具有先进的水力设计,结构设计达到了高效节能的显着效果,又以渣浆泵材质优良、硬度高、耐磨性好、运行平稳、加工工艺可靠等特点,广泛应用于电力、冶金,煤炭、石油、化工、采矿、工业锅炉、河道疏通等领域。 那么小型渣浆泵优势具体体现在哪些方面呢,下面申博渣浆泵业带大家就此一探究竟。 1、渣浆泵效率高,节电效果明显。泵站运行电流平均下降30A,效率指标高出国内同类及国外相应泵2-10个百分点。 2、渣浆泵过流部件 .....